Barbershop Fest

 Date Posted: Tue, 12 Mar 2024
Barbershop Fest
Come out and experience a full day of live Barbershop Music! With 9 different performing choruses annd quartets from the surrounding area! 
Enjoy the performances while having some food from the food trucks, buy some raffle tickets, our just visit around the tables set up by the different groups! 

Springing Into Singing

 Date Posted: Wed, 24 Jan 2024
Springing Into Singing
Are you as tired of the cold and snow as we are??

Chord Spinners are ready for Spring!

Join us for the month of March at our weekly rehearsals to learn a Barbershop song or two, learn some new vocal skills, and make some new friendships!

This is a totally free event for all women who want to explore a new way of singing, or just want to have some fun trying something new!
No experience necessary!

Contact us at to sign up today!

Bottle Drive Fundraiser

 Date Posted: Wed, 27 Dec 2023
Bottle Drive Fundraiser
We are kicking off the new year with a bottle drive fundraiser!!! 

We are working hard to attend contest & convention in May, and would love to have some funds to help all our members attend! 

Save up your holiday empties and contact a Chord Spinner member if you know one, or email and we will connect you with the closest member to you to arrange collection! 

Let’s bring in the New Year with a Pop🍾

CTV News Segment

 Date Posted: Mon, 4 Dec 2023

Woolwich Observer Article!

 Date Posted: Sun, 22 Oct 2023
Woolwich Observer Article!
Written by Bill Atwood.

Photos taken at rehearslas on October 16th 2023. 

Article was released in print and online that week. 

Holiday Voices starts October 16th

 Date Posted: Sun, 15 Oct 2023
Holiday Voices starts October 16th
Our favourite event of the year! 

Women of all ages join our rehearsals for 8 weeks to learn our Christmas songs along side of us! 