Every month we choose one member who has shown excellent leadership skills, an eagerness to help chorus out wherever needed, and someone who arrives to chorus with a smile and ready to rehearse! 


We kicked off the year by celebrating all of the members who came back ready and willing to work hard!

Anne Stewert, Jenn Hergott, Pam Nascimento, Sheila Schmidt, Tehya Schmidt 


We voted our brand new director to be our next chorus member of the month. She jumped into this position and worked hard to get us all focused and learning right from the start!

Mikayla Schmidt


We voted our wonderful Baritone to be our April member of the month! She jumped into our chorus with both feet and has done an incredible job learning our music as one of two Baritones!

Sharon Ruunstedler


We voted on of our wonderful leads as our May member of the month! She joined us at the end of 2022, and continued on with us in 2023 with energy, and lots of ideas! She worked hard making sure she knew her music and was with us at every performance she was able to attend! 

Kim Batty


We voted one of our dedicated Basses as our June member of the month. She took a leave of absence from chorus's weekly rehearsals to further her education. However, she continued to work on her music and any performance opportunities we had she attended. Her ability to balence work, school and chorus is just inspiring!

Pam Nascimento


We voted our newest official member as our September member of the month! She comes out every week with a smile, and ready to learn! She offers her help anywhere she is able to, and is always happy to do so. She jumped right into chorus life and has been such a pleasure getting to know!

Cheryl Smith


We voted our dedicated president as our October member of the month! Not only has she been our president for many years, but she still shows up every week ready to sing, and has taken on the responsibility of getting us warmed up each week! She has a twinkle in her eye that just glimmers when she finds something amusing! Best of all, she got her daughter, and 2 of her grand daughters to join our chorus! 

Sheila Schmidt


We had a tie for November's member of the month! 

First, our wonderful lead, and youngest member was voted as our first November member of the month. Her energy, enthusiasm, and smile make rehearsals so enjoyable! Her ability to learn her music, and sing it loud and proud is incredible!

Tehya Hergott

Second, we voted our fantastic bass our second November of the month! Her support of chorus, and our director Mikayla is invaluable. We truly don't know where we would be without her!

Jenn Hergott


For December, chorus made the decision to thank our 4 duel members who joined us this year. They took on the task of fully joining our chorus, on top of their own, and do so with so much joy and spirit. They come out every week and sing their hearts out. We are forever thankful for their help, and friendships. 

Karen Atkinson, Ann Meredith, Angelika Light, Cynthia Missabie.